I should not complain about the complications of technology. But, it seems like once you learn one technical item or way of communicating, it's replaced by another! I am currently working somewhat diligently on my Bellacompany Face Book to get some friends and then launch art auctions for some of my many paper pieces. You can check out our progress by going to http://www.bellacompany.com. With any luck at all there will be a link on the front page that works! I do plan to share any reasonable income from auctions with local shelters. It is a work in progress, but I will get there.
The generous spirit of Luna guides me.
We did get a new pup for Noodle (our terrier) as she had no playmate when Luna left us. Why do people get puppies when there are so many grown up dogs needing homes? It's a mystery. However, she is my first puppy since Bella and, we got her for free from a local Weston person. She's an education in why adopting grown up dogs is such a good idea and, at the same time, she has brought smiles and laughs into our lives. And, she's added some exercise routines to our day
On another note: The Artist Coalition of KC is having their annual auction on Feb. 13th. Lots of great art to see and buy.