I've moved some of the larger stretched canvases to the Carnegie Arts Center for my show in May, so I've had space to really repaint and reorganize my studio. With the help of a good friend, I've added a wall so I can hang more work. Of course I had to move everything in the studio from one location to another and then back again. When I get in this re-organizing mood, it's tempting to toss a lot of art....and I have tossed some! It's difficult to imagine how my work will end up when I'm no longer here. What if anything will someone do with it and will it have any value in the future? It will certainly be a collection for someone to figure out! UMB bank in Kansas City, Mo has given me some great guidance in organizing my art, and a place where my art might be stored for some future interest. I'm hopeful that some distant relative might not only take an interest, but also benefit in some way from my work.
The current paper work for my new show has been interrupted by my urge to get this studio cleaned up and reorganized, but I think it's been worth it.