Friday, July 8, 2011
What makes you stop?
Monday, June 27, 2011
Give Me That Dog project Continues
Now I have time to get started on the yet to be painted stories. I'm thinking of using a smaller paper format and possibly drawing the stories rather than painting. I hope the drawings will capture the essence of the story in much the same way the paintings have. I'll be sure to post some here on my blog when I get started!
In addition, we have a book with the stories and illustrations that have been completed. Find it at
Sunday, June 12, 2011
dog story auction
Some of those paintings are being auctioned off on our facebook page
If you like my work, you might take a look!
Yard Work and art work

Spring is such a wild and unpredictable time on the planet. This spring is no exception. Here in Weston, sandbags are being filled in anticipation of the rising Missouri river which, in turn, causes some local creeks to overflow their banks. We live up the hill from the flood plain so our home is not in much danger. Even though I credit myself for the flowers in our back yard, mother nature has her hand in that too. Warm sunny days mixed with cold rain days has really made the difference! All the work we have completed in the past four years seems to have made a difference. Even though we have four dogs, they very dutifully follow the paths I make for them! I'm sometimes tempted to return to my flower painting years. I gave it a try with a few small watercolors, but felt like I was just repeating, I'm headed back to dog stories I've received but haven't started yet. June 12,2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
spring cleaning

I've moved some of the larger stretched canvases to the Carnegie Arts Center for my show in May, so I've had space to really repaint and reorganize my studio. With the help of a good friend, I've added a wall so I can hang more work. Of course I had to move everything in the studio from one location to another and then back again. When I get in this re-organizing mood, it's tempting to toss a lot of art....and I have tossed some! It's difficult to imagine how my work will end up when I'm no longer here. What if anything will someone do with it and will it have any value in the future? It will certainly be a collection for someone to figure out! UMB bank in Kansas City, Mo has given me some great guidance in organizing my art, and a place where my art might be stored for some future interest. I'm hopeful that some distant relative might not only take an interest, but also benefit in some way from my work.
The current paper work for my new show has been interrupted by my urge to get this studio cleaned up and reorganized, but I think it's been worth it.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
getting organized!!
Tess. If this applies...send me photos
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
It takes a village...

Sometimes it takes a village. This painting was inspired by a story sent to me by group of women who decided to rescue some feral dogs from their cardboard box home on the edge of town. They did lots of planning and plotting to capture this wild group, but they were successful in their venture and all the dogs found new real homes.
A Painting a day

I seem to be pretty good at setting goals that are so far out there...I then fear that I might not reach the goal. Of course, I'm writing about painting goals....not life goals...although painting is now back in the center of my life. We are experimenting with an I-photo book to see how it comes out before we get too far down the road with this project. Even though that program has some limitations and probably was really designed for weddings, anniversaries, and reunions, it seems affordable and a pretty good program to work with.
I'm just posting a couple of paintings here instead of the story that will accompany the painting. Dog lovers have sent me some truly amazing, heart breaking and heart warming stories. I may have found the project to last me a life time!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Story of Buddy
We had just arrived at an event for a newly established rescue group when I saw him. We were already volunteers at two local shelters when we stumbled across this new start up rescue group and offered to assist. I was struggling with the loss of my sweet, but difficult shepherd/dobe mix that we had fostered for 15 years because we couldn’t find a home to take him!
We weren’t out of the car yet when I spotted Buddy. Without thinking, I said, “I want that dog!”
We didn’t need another dog, but Buddy had other ideas. We spent the day together and then had to say goodbye, as hard as it was to leave him. We weren’t home an hour when the rescue group called and asked us to come pick him up! He was busting out of crates and clawing through doors. Buddy had already bonded with us! We fostered Bud and took him to many events. He was a crowd pleaser due to his antics and a head turner due to his size and stunningly handsome good looks. After a few weeks, we adopted him and he is the biggest, goofiest, happiest full of life dog anyone would ever meet. He’s known as the giant cartoon character, but please don’t tell him that. He thinks he’s a lap dog. In addition, he’s well named. He truly is the buddy of everyone he meets.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Give Me that Dog project step 2
Monday, January 31, 2011
Great Stories incoming!!!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I haven't received any great stories yet, but Helen is contributing stories in the meantime. Two days ago, I thought she was on death row. She wouldn't get up, eat, or respond to me at all. But, today she's back! A trip to the emergency room on a cold and snowy Sunday and several days of close observation and she's back. Her life always has seemed to be one lived on the edge! More about that later. For now, a couple of paintings about her and my assurance that she is always by my side or at least close by. Since we adopted her 4 years ago from a shelter, she has had the amazing ability to fall apart and recover in record time.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Rescue Dog Stories

I'm looking for more stories like this and some photos too so I can create some illustrations and put together a small paper back book called:
Give Me that Dog!
here is an example of what I might be looking for:
I visit the local shelter as often as possible to find out who is up for adoption. You never know when someone might be looking for a particular dog!
That’s how I met Luna. She banged around her cage like some crazed beast. After several visits, I’d had enough. I said, “Give Me that dog! “and drove her home.
The pack accepted her and we all adjusted to the third dog pretty well.
Luna got healthy pretty quickly, but she did have one problem….she had severe separation anxiety. I usually took her with me on sales calls and to the office where I worked. After Luna had been with us for about a month, I took a chance and left the three dogs for an hour to run an errand. When I returned, I was greeted by three stalwart dogs waiting anxiously for me to appreciate or go ballistic over the deconstruction of a rattan footstool they had accomplished in my absence.
I walked past them and continued with the day as if nothing had happened. I guess the shunning worked, because that was the last piece of furniture they ever deconstructed. I could now travel without my constant companion if I chose to.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
New years promises
In order to have some new pieces for my show at the Carnegie Arts Center in Leavenworth, Kansas in May, I'm hoping to have many pieces to choose from. As I complete work, I'll post them here on my blog.
I've been looking for a bloggers art group that I can join so I can get some visibility! any suggestions? I spent my three hours yesterday just trying to answer that question, but didn't find exactly what I was looking for.