I'm looking for more stories like this and some photos too so I can create some illustrations and put together a small paper back book called:
Give Me that Dog!
here is an example of what I might be looking for:
I visit the local shelter as often as possible to find out who is up for adoption. You never know when someone might be looking for a particular dog!
That’s how I met Luna. She banged around her cage like some crazed beast. After several visits, I’d had enough. I said, “Give Me that dog! “and drove her home.
The pack accepted her and we all adjusted to the third dog pretty well.
Luna got healthy pretty quickly, but she did have one problem….she had severe separation anxiety. I usually took her with me on sales calls and to the office where I worked. After Luna had been with us for about a month, I took a chance and left the three dogs for an hour to run an errand. When I returned, I was greeted by three stalwart dogs waiting anxiously for me to appreciate or go ballistic over the deconstruction of a rattan footstool they had accomplished in my absence.
I walked past them and continued with the day as if nothing had happened. I guess the shunning worked, because that was the last piece of furniture they ever deconstructed. I could now travel without my constant companion if I chose to.
I think you wrote beautifully, it's like you were just carrying on a conversation with me. I'll send you my story on Bailey when I get home since that is where I have her before and after picture.
I always say my dog Tess found me. I was working overnights at a restaurant in college when I found her on the parking lot when arriving for work. She looked scared and tired so I made her a bed in the back seat of my car. I went in and asked the cooks for some food and took it to her.
The next morning I took her home and she jumped right up in bed and lay as close to me as she could get. It took over a week before she could eat normally without getting sick after just a small amount of dog food. The vet said she had been on the streets a while.
A few days later a man came by my house and saw her in the yard and began yelling at my roommate that we had stolen his dog (though we had checked for reports that this dog was missing with the humane society). He took the dog from the yard and left with her.
My roommate called me frantic and I came home. When I got home, my roommate told me she had come back about 15 minutes after the man left with her and had scratched at the front door.
He never came back and she was by my side for the next 15 years. She passed away in 2007, ever loyal, ever sweet.
Rescuing a dog isn't easy.
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