I haven't received any great stories yet, but Helen is contributing stories in the meantime. Two days ago, I thought she was on death row. She wouldn't get up, eat, or respond to me at all. But, today she's back! A trip to the emergency room on a cold and snowy Sunday and several days of close observation and she's back. Her life always has seemed to be one lived on the edge! More about that later. For now, a couple of paintings about her and my assurance that she is always by my side or at least close by. Since we adopted her 4 years ago from a shelter, she has had the amazing ability to fall apart and recover in record time.
my friend Julie in Pennsylvania sent me the link to your blog...I love your paintings, so much character your dogs in them have! I paint animals too, but I am more of a realistic painter, really because I have no "style"
All my pets are rescues, including 2 dogs. I also have a story about a german shep I fostered a few years back. No earth shattering stories about them, just my own private tear jerkers. I could summon tears for every homeless animal out there, no matter who or where they are, I don't even have to meet them.
Anyway, I would love to submit a story and some pics, as soon as I have time. Do you have a deadline?
I so LOVE your work!!! We have such wonderful stories of lost and homeless pets that come through our shelter. I am not sure if you remember me or not, I worked at Wayside Waifs for many years before moving to San Diego to work at the San Diego Humane Society. I have one story that stays with me about a little pup I fostered named Peanut. His story is my reminder of "why" I do what I do, my inspiration. Peanut was so ill and small when he was brought to us that truly for weeks it was hour by hour holding on that he was going to survive. He was so weak that it was necessary to feed him on the hour, and provide him glucose sometimes even more often. Many staff including the veterinarians told me "it's time" meaning euthanasia should seriously be considered. But I saw him literally, incrimentally getting better. He is now living an incredibly happy life as a chunky, squishy, companion pet to a family. They absolutely adore him, and he still remains very special :) I have some wonderful pictures of Peanut but if you want to see this little one, please go to www.sdhumane.org and on the first page, to the right there is a little box "sign up for our e-newsletter" that little pup is my Peanut! He showed me the importance of all the little things, time, patience, and love of why I do what I do.
Good luck in your new years resolution!!!!!
Renee Harris
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