Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Terrier in the Moonlight

I received some paintings back from the Strecker Nelson Gallery in Manhattan, Ks. and it was like the return of old friends. I painted these works earlier this summer. I'd forgotten all of this work was available. I'm happy to post this and more on my blog. I was feeling that I had run out of work to show!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Aug.31, 2010

Last day of August. Time to enjoy the yard. Painting today,"Small Summer Yard Dogs"...acrylic on paper. Also a couple of small canvases started. Canvas always takes more time...

Friday, August 27, 2010

One more completed paper piece. I'm taking the weekend off to start working on some canvases for a show coming in 2011!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Attempting a painting a day. No one is holding me accountable for a painting a day, but perhaps someone might. I certainly will. This painting caused me a restless night. I'm trying not to illustrate, but to paint. Creating Luna Toons has changed my focus, and now I'm trying to go back to my less illustrative self. This is a record of my attempt.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Work and Play

Paper paintings continue. I've made a rule that I will do one painting on paper a day. I usually put painting at the end of the day because it seems more like play than work, although it certainly becomes work in the finishing stages...so I always feel that I "should" get everything else done and then paint...I'm trying to turn that around in my brain and get the "should" right! Aug.25,2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

works on paper

I have been working on Luna Toons over the summer. Dog owners order a Luna Toon on my website or from The Company of Dogs catalog and then send photos of their dog and I create a Luna Toon for them. Drawing Toons has taken me away from my painting time and also given me a "literal" mind set. I've been feeling a little "restricted" in espression, but at last I'm back at the easel creating some paintings . Some of these paintings will be available in Salt Lake City at the La Caille at the Save a Stray Soiree on Oct.9th.
I've just started down this path using some submitted photos of rescued dogs, and already my mind feels better not having to illustrate, but just have fun painting! Some of the paintings shown will be auctioned in Salt Lake, other paintings will be auctioned on our bellacompany face book page or displayed in a 2011 show I'm working on at the Carnegie Art Center in Leavenworth, KS

Thursday, June 24, 2010

lessons from Helen

Helen, our blind dog, has led me down many paths since we rescued her 3 years ago...despair, anger, joy, quiet reverence, etc. In an attempt to get her more settled, I recently have been working with Linda Farris who had some great observations about Helen. She suggested using Urban Wolf dog food to get Helen's stomach and general disposition on some kind of even keel. OK, it's more work than I would normally spend on feeding dogs (Helen is 1 of 4 dogs), and I can't just treat one dog without treating all!! So, I'm mixing this soupy goop about every other day...but...
The results have been fairly remarkable. I believe that Helen always had a stomach ache because of the grain in her normal food...
She's still a tough customer, but she's feeling better, her coat is soft and silky. She is much more patient with my inconsistencies. She still knows when 4:30 feeding time is, and she's pretty rigid about her daily routine. Her internal clock is impeccable! In addition, she's lost some weight!
Our next move is to an Evo no grain dry food to see if that will work. We are keeping the habit of adding water to all the dogs dishes to make sure kibble is very moist and soft before they eat.
Wish me luck!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Chair for Helen

I've been hand writing a journal about Helen, our blind dog, and some of the challenges of adopting a dog with special needs. Maybe someone will find this diary of my "Helen" observations interesting and maybe even helpful. Maybe some reader will just decide to rescue a dog that presents some interesting challenges!
Helen always likes to climb up in chairs, so I'm calling this blog "A Chair for Helen" 05/16/10
(The photo was taken this past winter )

Friday, January 22, 2010

Ever More Complicated

I should not complain about the complications of technology. But, it seems like once you learn one technical item or way of communicating, it's replaced by another! I am currently working somewhat diligently on my Bellacompany Face Book to get some friends and then launch art auctions for some of my many paper pieces. You can check out our progress by going to http://www.bellacompany.com. With any luck at all there will be a link on the front page that works! I do plan to share any reasonable income from auctions with local shelters. It is a work in progress, but I will get there.
The generous spirit of Luna guides me.

We did get a new pup for Noodle (our terrier) as she had no playmate when Luna left us. Why do people get puppies when there are so many grown up dogs needing homes? It's a mystery. However, she is my first puppy since Bella and, we got her for free from a local Weston person. She's an education in why adopting grown up dogs is such a good idea and, at the same time, she has brought smiles and laughs into our lives. And, she's added some exercise routines to our day
On another note: The Artist Coalition of KC is having their annual auction on Feb. 13th. Lots of great art to see and buy.