Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Aug.31, 2010

Last day of August. Time to enjoy the yard. Painting today,"Small Summer Yard Dogs"...acrylic on paper. Also a couple of small canvases started. Canvas always takes more time...

Friday, August 27, 2010

One more completed paper piece. I'm taking the weekend off to start working on some canvases for a show coming in 2011!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Attempting a painting a day. No one is holding me accountable for a painting a day, but perhaps someone might. I certainly will. This painting caused me a restless night. I'm trying not to illustrate, but to paint. Creating Luna Toons has changed my focus, and now I'm trying to go back to my less illustrative self. This is a record of my attempt.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Work and Play

Paper paintings continue. I've made a rule that I will do one painting on paper a day. I usually put painting at the end of the day because it seems more like play than work, although it certainly becomes work in the finishing stages...so I always feel that I "should" get everything else done and then paint...I'm trying to turn that around in my brain and get the "should" right! Aug.25,2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

works on paper

I have been working on Luna Toons over the summer. Dog owners order a Luna Toon on my website or from The Company of Dogs catalog and then send photos of their dog and I create a Luna Toon for them. Drawing Toons has taken me away from my painting time and also given me a "literal" mind set. I've been feeling a little "restricted" in espression, but at last I'm back at the easel creating some paintings . Some of these paintings will be available in Salt Lake City at the La Caille at the Save a Stray Soiree on Oct.9th.
I've just started down this path using some submitted photos of rescued dogs, and already my mind feels better not having to illustrate, but just have fun painting! Some of the paintings shown will be auctioned in Salt Lake, other paintings will be auctioned on our bellacompany face book page or displayed in a 2011 show I'm working on at the Carnegie Art Center in Leavenworth, KS